Wednesday 19 November 2008

MIXMAG: Front cover, Contents page and Double Page spread

Here i have analysed a front cover, contents page and double page to compare to the NME double page spread, from doing this this i have noticed many similarities between the two however, there are some difference also for example with the colour and layout.

Research for my mian task - NME double page spread

Here i have analysed a double page spread of an article in the magazine here i was able to recognise how the layout was constructed, what type of text was used, positioning of the image and the colours used. All of these elements are similar to what has been used on the front cover and contents page as this creates a continuous flow throughout the magazine.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Reseach for my main task - NME contents page

I have analysed the front cover of NME magazine picking out the key conventions and how they meet the expectations of their specific target audience of a very niche market of people. You can see this through the various annotations i have made on the contents page. I then drew out the layout of the contents page by using a grid like structure this helped me to realise how it was constructed and that it uius thought out. This means that elements are not just thrown together.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Research for main task - NME front cover

The front cover of NME magazine has two models positioned with one touching the other, this creates sex appeal and suggests a sense of provocativeness as the male model is touching the females mid area. This area of her body has a channel logo on it which illustrates a high end fashion look demonstrating an up scale target audience. The model is also smoking a cigarette which shows she is extremely rebellious and subversive as she is risking her life in order to look what is considered "cool". Also she is promoting a lifestyle of drugs by smoking. The female model is also the more dominant model out of the two as she is the main focus of the shot this can be due to her being the main singer in a band therefore being in the for front of the magazine. The model is leaning on the masterhead as nothing is controlling her she is therefore placed in the front of title. Also everything is placed around her this includes straplines, masterhead, kicker and skyline.
The straplines also link to the type of magazine it is as they talk about "MURDER,DRUGS AND TWISTED LOVE," these are considered very dark ad sinister subjects which the magazine are speaking very openly about. As a result the magazine is fairly non-judgmental, consequently this may lead to some criticism towards the magazine as they are not displaying a negative image on the topic as this would be the usual response to these sorts of topics (negative media).
Also another example of a stapline is ""my life in Kurt" ex manager speaks" here the magazine displays a exclusivity that no other magazine may have as they have the death of a legend speaking openly about for the first time.
Finally the last example of a stapline on the front cover is one in which is promoting the Kaiser Chiefs latest album where it uses explicit language such as "F***ED UP". This illustrates a very rebellious, hard core and subversive side to the magazine once again.
The mise en scene of the image includes the clothing this also represents the more rebellious side of magazine. As the female model is wearing leather which demonstrates a rocky edgy look which much of their target audience would aspire to look like. The positioning of the image is medium shot, taken from the above angle as she is looking up. This is very different and unlike and other magazine therefore thus, making it unique.
Also the layout is very unusual as it has the kicker running through the middle of the page and straplines on running across the left hand side. These are not the typical conventions of a magazine but with that specific cover image, to make it seem balanced everything was placed on the one side as the other was mainly covered with the two models. As a result this created a slight difference in the way it was constructed, as specific elements had to be placed in certain areas of the magazine in order for the presentation of it to look correct.
The last element of the magazine which resulted in the final touches of the magazine were the colours used, this consisted of yellow, red, black and white. These colours are associated with goths and rebels through the contrasts they create this as a results meets the demands of their target audiences.
Overall, the magazine was created for a niche market which meant that certain aspects of the cover were altered in order to meet the demands of the target audience. This resulted in the build up of many layers as more straplines were placed on the cover to promote more headline stories.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Resaerch for main task - Musical

The front cover of Musical nion has a cover image of a musician he is positioned with his hands in his pocket and looking directly at it target audience this makes it more personal to the consumers as eye contact creates connection between the two. Also he has his legs crossed which fits the type of personality he is demonstrating which is fairly straight to the point and professional. This feeling is also demonstrated through the type of clothes which he is wearing, which is a suit this makes him look very smart.
He has been placed in the for ground of the magazine showing that the magazine is very well known to its consumer therefore even without the title people can still recognise what magazine it is due to its unique characteristics.
The colours used also show that its pure, calming and natural this is represented through the white and cream used in the background and the masterhead. this reflects on the type of instruments used in classical music which include violins. There is also some blue and black which contrasts the background very well as a result making the straplines in these colours stand out which shows they are key.
The straplines are key in representing what type of magazine it is and is shown by what has been placed on the cover all the stories link to music and in particular classical music. An example of this is "Warren Mailley-Smith, The Pianist talks exclusively to us" here this artist links to this type of music in particular and by having a special interview with him shows that he is very important in that industry and popular.
Overall, the construction of this magazine is very different to other magazine such as the Hip Hop magazine as it is aimed at a different target audience therefore produces are having to alter certain characteristics of the magazine to meet their specific needs.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Research for main task - Hip Hop collection

The front cover of HIP-HOP collection magazine has a cover image of The Game with his head tilted to the side as he holds his hat this representation of the rapper demonstrates him as being hard core and rough. The image is also placed in the upper third of the page which is very eye catching to its target audience as it is near the masthead which is instantly recognised therefore the cover image can partially cover it. His clothing is also very casual with a plain, dark t-shirt, hat and tie. The repersentation of the tie illistrates the difference in the expected dress code of what a typical rapper would wear, this as a result goes afgainst steriotypes.
Around the cover image there are straplines positioned specifically in a certain place which have a specific meaning behind them that links to the type of magazine it is which is a hip hop magazine. For example "Beef 2008" here the use of slang word beef meaning having a problem relates to the origin of the magazine which comes from the streets of America. this as a result is specific to the target audience of the magazine as these are topics in which they would be interested in therefore meeting their demands.
The typography used on the front cover is known as san serif which is bold and stands out and suggests a male audience as for a female target audience the writing would contain what is known as "curly" ends on each letter.
Also in the background there is an American flag which illustrates the country the rapper has comes from what the magazine editors must feel hip hop began from.
There is also a selection of three colours which are used consistently throughout the magazine these include black, white and yellow. These are fairly neutral colours however, the black and white are total opposites of each other which can show the divide in opinion over this particular type of music which is very controversial world wide.e
There are also many other elements which have been used such as the bar code, skyline and price/issue number. These are key essential of a magazine front cover ad without these the magazine would not be following the generic conventions of what a typical music magazine would look like.
When the magazine was constructed many layers were put together in order for the magazine front cover to be created. These were positioned on top of one another which means many layers have been used to build up the image of the cover.
The magazine also provides an extra incentive to purchase it with the use of a free CD. This gives the target audience a taste of what the magazine is like therefore can be used to entice their target audience.