Friday 24 October 2008

Contents page

This is my contents page i am very pleased with the outcome of this as it looks very professional.
I used the same image as i did on my cover but shaded the background in pink to keep the colours constant throughout the magazine. I then positioned the image in the left hand corner of the contents page as it is no longer the focus point of that page.
A point in which i forgot to mention on my front cover was that when this image was created there was some difficulty as it was not the correct type of photo, it was a medium shot and a medium close up was needed. I therefore had to re-take my images as when i tried to edit them they begin to stretch and look disfigured.
I then added the title of my magazine lordswood ladies at the top of the page with the same typography also as it creates a continuous type of writing again. the colour was also kept to simple black to create an elegance about it by using a traditional colour.
After this i added my story lines which would actually be inside my magazine on the bottom right hand side corner, as this space had become free and looked the most suitable.
Finally i added a simple touch of my logo on the cover in the same position and my contents page was created with all the typical convention of a magazine fol lowered.
This contents page was created through the process of using many different layers positioned on top of one another. which gives the effect of any typical magazine.

Thursday 23 October 2008

Magazine front cover

I have completed my task of creating a front cover and my end product look like this. Personally i am very pleased with the front cover as it fits the brief perfectly.
When creating my front cover i firstly selected my image and added an effect onto to it by filtering and selecting blur. I then choose two very distinctive cover the first being blue as it is the schools colour, i then selected pink to represent my target audience which is girls and the connotations of this is being very girly and fun. As a result of selecting these colours i made the basketball pink and her jersey number, but left the rest blue. This made the sport which the magazine is about stand out and be instantly identified.
Also as you can see in my background the outline of bricks are shown this shows the rough side of basketball and the "streets" in which they originated from.
Once my cover image was created i then selected a specific typography to be used throughout the cover which was Franklin Gothic medium. This was because it looked both formal and informal enough to stand out as a cover of a school magazine but still relate able and personal to the female target audience. The colour of my text is black this was to prevent their being too many colours and drawing away from the actual image itself. However i did leave the the masterhead in the pink as it is the magazine title therefore it most stand out and be recognisable also it links to the image of the basketball which is also in this colour. The skyline is in the same pink also as i decided to put the skyline in front of a black rectangular background.
After this i selected my staplines, masterhead and skyline and positioned them in the appropriate areas and added effects to make certain word stand out by making them bold and enlarging the text size. For example the word "free" this acts as an extra incentive for my target audience to purchase my magazine as they know they will be benefiting themselves in more than one way as they will be expanding their knowledge on basketball as well as getting free perks. Also the name "Tamika Catching" is in bold to highlight this famous basketball player and an idol in many peoples lives.
Finally i added the finishing touches to the magazine by adding a bar code and issue dates on the cover and positioning them in specific place to fit the conventions of a typical magazine front cover.
Once all these elements where put together with the use of many layers, this enabled me to position certain layers in specific areas of the front cover. Too many layers were not used as i did not want the cover to be about the quantity of stories on the cover but the quality of the fewer stories. This as a result creates a sophistication to my cover which i feel makes it look more classy.

Thursday 16 October 2008


Today i am having great difficulty with photoshop it is not agreeing with. I have tried several times to add certain effcts which will enhance my image to have a greater quality but it is not working to my advantage.

Wednesday 15 October 2008


After a long process of deliberation i have selected this image as my cover image. This was due to many factors such as the lighting being correct as it lights up percific points on Fariha face, also the mise-en-se is the best out of all the images taken. The background which is of the school gym is also illistrated and the prop of thebasketball clearly demonstrates which sport is being played. Finally Fariha's positioning is quiet playful as she has direct eye contact with the consumers which makes it more personal, she is also smiing which shows she is having a good time.

Friday 10 October 2008


To begin my process of creating a magazine cover i had to think of the type of magazine i wanted to do and for what school, lordswood or another. After some deliberation i decided to create a basketball magazine aimed at the females in our school as this is the majority in the school. I now must concider the colour, typograpgy, layout, image, subheadings and many other elements in creating the magazine.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Dwell Magazine

When creating my magazine i had to consider many factors for example who my target audience is and the typical conventions of any magazines. These conventions included a limited amount of colours no more than three, i therefore used pink grey and white this was due to it representing my target audience of women. Also because they were quite neutral and as a result showing a sophistication and elegance of any women's inner beauty. I also used a specific type of typography throughout, this kept a consistency going and made the cover look more professional rather than using many different types. Another convention i must consider was the positioning of the straplines which were around the the cover image. The cover image was also selected specifically as the target audience is of a more mature age. Therefore "Keira Knightly" was selected to match the target audience as she is a role model to many of these women. Finally i had to consider the layout of the cover and the amount of layers used. This meant that certain elements of the cover had to be positioned in a specific place, the build up of layer allowed me to do this.