Here is the contents page of my magazine, i am very pleased with this as i feel it meets the needs of my target audience.
Starting with the main image on the contents page it has an added affect which highlight the advance in technology as well as making the magazine looking funky and fresh. The effect used also places a red hue to the image which follows the colours used throughout. The model's props and clothing also reflect on having a good time as she is listening to music with headphones in, smilling showing she is having a good time. The smaller image on the right hand side also has an effect placed on it as it is a moving image which reflects that it is a dancing magazine it shows a fun loving time. Also the models clothing shows she is having fun and is young this is repersented through her short skirt which is very provocative. The final image is of a CD cover in the left hand corner this is of the latest new album released into the charts.
The colours used follow the front cover as this creates a continuity throughout so red, black and yellow are still used.
The colours used follow the front cover as this creates a continuity throughout so red, black and yellow are still used.
The typography is the same also with front sizes differing due to the importance of it.The background follows the same colour scheme as it is white, this is the last colour from the four colours, this also allows the images and text on the for front to stand out and be bold.
Finally the structure of the magazine has one column going down the left hand side and two joined bellow the main image. The first column contains sub categories which helps to identify specific areas of the magazine i.e. the latest fashion and music. There is also a little music review at the bottom which also another reflection of what type of magazine it is. The border surrounding the edge of the page is of a retro black and white squares this creates a funky look. Also this black and white square colour is used on the models dress on the front cover as a result there are links between the two which keeps a continuous flow throughout.
Also above the mini music review is a heading to explain what is going on in that specific section allowing easy assess to stories so no time is wasted. Above the first column is a rounded square which contains the word "Contents" and has the date on it showing it is the latest issue released to date.
As you can see from above here is the drawn mock up of my contents page, here i planned out the layout by position text and pictures in the appropiate areas in order to follow the typical conventions of my magazine cover. from my finished product you can see they match up fairly well therefore no adjustments had to be made. Finally the structure of the magazine has one column going down the left hand side and two joined bellow the main image. The first column contains sub categories which helps to identify specific areas of the magazine i.e. the latest fashion and music. There is also a little music review at the bottom which also another reflection of what type of magazine it is. The border surrounding the edge of the page is of a retro black and white squares this creates a funky look. Also this black and white square colour is used on the models dress on the front cover as a result there are links between the two which keeps a continuous flow throughout.
Also above the mini music review is a heading to explain what is going on in that specific section allowing easy assess to stories so no time is wasted. Above the first column is a rounded square which contains the word "Contents" and has the date on it showing it is the latest issue released to date.
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