Here is my double page spread as you can see i am ver pleased with it as it meets the requirments of what a double page should look like.
The layout of this double page has differed to my orignal drwan up mock as i felt it did not suitthe needs of the target audience nor did it follow the typical conventions of what a magazine following my genre would look like. Also as you can see one side of A4 is covered with an image and the other half is an interview this craetes an even layout for the target audience of people who are don't like much text therfore a large image meets thier needs and people who do like text there is a page full also. Guttering has also been placed above the image going across in a horizontal line as it links to the contents page and follow the colour pattern throughout.
The image on the right hand side denotes of a girl with headphones listening to music here this image has then been inhanced by adding a speciual technique to it on photoshop in order to give a funcky edgy look. Also by adding this special effect it connotes a techno stlye which is one of th emany musics that influences the magazine. The colours that have been selected to enhance the image include yellow, red and bleaack as these are the colours used throughout therefore creating a consistancy throughout. A Quote has been placed by the image as this gives a sneak preview of what the interview consists of this therfoe is a small incentive in order to get the target audience enticed to readonward and purchase the magazine.
The typography on the right hand side is also consistant with that alreday used and the size alteration differs due to the impotance of the text. For exmaple the article's titile is the largest piece of text as theis is ehat interests the target audiencewhat the article is about. The competition os also very important therefore that is much larget than the interview itself. The text below the actual interview is much smaller as it is the web page were inteactive viewers can log on and the page number is the reference. as you can see it is split into collomn as it is a generic convention to position the text in this way.The image on the right hand side denotes of a girl with headphones listening to music here this image has then been inhanced by adding a speciual technique to it on photoshop in order to give a funcky edgy look. Also by adding this special effect it connotes a techno stlye which is one of th emany musics that influences the magazine. The colours that have been selected to enhance the image include yellow, red and bleaack as these are the colours used throughout therefore creating a consistancy throughout. A Quote has been placed by the image as this gives a sneak preview of what the interview consists of this therfoe is a small incentive in order to get the target audience enticed to readonward and purchase the magazine.
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